SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022 Poster sesija za tehničare predviđena za subotu 14.05., zbog malog broja pristiglih postera će se održati po završetku poster sesije 13. 05. |
Registration |
10:00-11.00 |
Session 9: POSTER PRESENTATION TECHNOLOGISTS (Quality control, Theranostics) |
Chairpersons: |
Tatjana Krkalović, Sami Issa, Darko Maričić |
Darko Maričić, Milica Ilić, Branislava Đorđević, Dora Sabo, Milica Šatara. Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Novi Sad | Peritoneal scintigraphy in assessment of chronical complications of chronical ambulance peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) – case report | |
I.Mihailović, J. Aćimović, A. Afgan. Center for Nuclear Medicine with PET, University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade | Radionuclide therapy of hyperthyreosis with I-131 | |
M.Marković, J. Danicic, J. Zivojinovic, B. Radulović. Center for Nuclear Medicine with PET, University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade | FDG PET and SPECT in presurgical evaluation of focal pharmacoresistent epilepsy | |
Issa Sami, Ješić Ana, Milošević Igor, Stojiljković Milica. Center for Nuclear Medicine with PET, University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade | Radiation exposure of staff during separation and application of FDG semiautomatic and automatic separator of the individual doses – quality control | |
Tatjana Krkalović, Biljana Janjić, Anja Spasić, University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade | PET/CT – quality control, diagnostic potential, application and value | |
Zorica Milovanović, Vesna Nedeljković, University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade | Perfusion myocardial scintigraphy (SPECT): quality control, content and scope of work, radiation technologists and nurse | |
Lela Vranić, Ljiljana Kojić, Jelica Vidojević, Marina Vlajković, Milena Rajić, Center of Nuclear Medicine, University Clinical Center Niš, Niš | Scintigraphic detection of dialysis solution leakage in patients treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis | |
11:00-11:10 | Closing the Congress | |
TBD | Trip (optional) |